Main Organizer
Department of Arts Management, Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Czech Republic
ASSET team members: Michal Lázňovský, Barbora Vait, Eva Zavřelová
AMU is an art university and its scope of activities cover dramatic, music, dance, audio-visual, photographic and multimedia art, production in related disciplines as well as scholarly and research activities. The Department of Arts Management at the Theatre Faculty offers bachelor's and master's study programmes – the master's studies are also offered in English. Future producers, production managers and cultural managers are educated in the arts production theory as well as various disciplines concerning social sciences applied in cultural activities. Audience development and communication with audience is essential. This is the reason why we want to make a good use of expert's reports, to verify theoretical knowledge and disseminate them.
Project Partners
The Audience Agency, UK
ASSET team members: Jonathan Goodacre, Dan Cowley, Peta Cooke
The Audience Agency is a mission-led organisation, which exists to give people better access to culture, for the public good and the vitality of the sector. It helps cultural organisations and policymakers to plan and deliver audience and engagement strategies. This includes providing insight, consultancy, tools and research to support audience development, marketing and communications, business planning, evaluation, collaboration, advocacy, feasibility and provision-planning. The Audience Agency co-ordinates the national (England and Wales) audience data-set and offers access for all to the insight it creates. It works across all cultural sectors, with organisations big and small, commercial and subsidised, to funders and agencies in England, Wales and internationally.
Arts and Theatre Institute, Czech Republic
ASSET team members: Martina Pecková Černá, Viktorie Schmoranzová
The Arts and Theatre Institute (ATI) is a state-funded organization founded by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. It's mission is to provide the Czech and international public with a comprehensive range of services in the field of theatre and individual services connected to other branches of the arts (music, literature, dance and visual arts). The ATI collects objects and work relating to the theatre, processes and provides access to them, pursues research, initiates and participates in international projects, and publishes scholarly work. ATI is a national coordinator of the Theatre Night in the Czech Republic.
Dubrava Cultural Center, Peoples University Dubrava, Croatia
ASSET team members: Sandra Banić Naumovski
Peoples University Dubrava is the biggest centre for Culture in Croatia. In it's 60 year old existence, Peoples University Dubrava became the leader in the sector of participative cultural practices and non-formal education in culture. Cultural Centre Dubrava, as part of Peoples University, conducts a lot of courses, lectures workshops, exhibitions, concerts and performances in different fields of arts. Children's Theatre Dubrava, as the other organizational unit of Peoples University for the last 63 year products theatre performances for young audience, with the average of 5 premiere performances a year. Children's Theatre Dubrava is founder and main coordinator of European Theatre Night in Croatia where this event originally started.
IG Kultur Österreich, Austria
ASSET team members: Gerald Gröchenig
IG Kultur Österreich (IGKÖ) is the network, umbrella organisation and lobby for those engaged in independent and autonomous cultural work in Austria and has 365 member organisations (cultural centers and associations). IGKÖ's key activities are supporting cultural initiatives in their work by providing information, representation and consulting in legal matters as well as offering professional education and workshops in the cultural field and supporting self-organisation. IGKÖ has been the host organisation of the European Theatre Night since its implementation in Austria with Mrs. Gerbasits as a board member. IGKÖ is well enchored in national and international cultural policy as a member of the Austrian Culture Council ENCC – European Network of Cultural Centres, On the Move – Cultural Mobility Information Network (amongst others).
Cultural Managment at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
ASSET team members: Katri Halonen, Niina Torkko
Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Metropolia) is the largest university of applied sciences in Finland with over 16 000 students and over 1000 staff members. The long experience of high quality, student-centred education in English was recognized by the European Commission as Metropolia was awarded with the ECTS label. The BA and MA programs in Cultural Management have specialised in user-based and solution oriented planning process of new products and services. The education combines the methods of the creative sector, community development and business know-how. Cultural managers work on all levels of the cultural field, from ministries to business. The professional skills consist not only of knowledge about culture and different fields of art but also good communication and media skills including competences to learn about their audiences and utilize the findings in strategic planning and marketing.
Arts Project Foundation, Bulgaria
ASSET team members: Katerina Kirova-Milanova, Mariya Panayotova
Arts Project Foundation is a Bulgarian cultural operator, who aims to work on audience development, especially as regards young people, innovative actions testing new business models and tools in areas likely to be influenced by the introduction and use of digital technologies in cultural sphere, supporting audience development by stimulating interest in the sphere of theatre art and all its forms.
Art Projects was established in May 2013 to work in public benefit. It's main mission is to promote cultural and social responsibility and engage young people, making them more responsible, compassionate to problems, non-aggressive and progressive personalities. As well to give them opportunity for debut. Art Projects main activity is developing marketing and communication strategies and consulting, supporting development of cultural activities in Bulgaria by organizing different events and activities, communication of cultural institutions and independent artists offering public content.
Participating Theatres
Czech Republic
National theatre
http://www.narodni-divadlo.czŠvandovo divadlo
http://www.svandovodivadlo.czStudio DVA
WERK X-Petersplatz
http://schuberttheater.atBrut Wien
Finnish National Theatre
http://www.cirko.fiAlexander Theatre
Children's Theatre Dubrava
http://www.kazalistedubrava.hrStudio Smijeha
http://www.studiosmijeha.hrGavella Drama Theatre
http://www.gavella.hrZagreb Dance Centre
State Satirical Theatre "Aleko Konstantinov"
http://satirata.bgTheatre "Azaryan"
http://www.ndk.bgNational Theatre "Ivan Vazov"
https://nationaltheatre.bgSofia Opera and Ballet
https://www.operasofia.bgProject Supporters